Browsing by Editorial Imprimerie de Veuve Lamaignére, Bayonne
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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
[Bañistas en la playa de Biarritz]1852[Bathers on Biarritz beach]Feillet, Helene
[Bateleras]1852[Boatwomen]Feillet, Helene
[Errenteria]1852[Renteria]Hennebutte Feillet, Blanche
[Gabarras]1852[Barges]Feillet, Helene
[Interior de un barco de pasajeros]1852[Inside a passenger boat]-
[Lavanderas]1852[Washerwomen]Feillet, Helene
[Pasaia]1852[Pasaia]Hennebutte Feillet, Blanche
[Paso de Rolando en las cercanías de Kanbo (Lapurdi)]1852[Roland pass near Cambo (Lapurdi)]Hennebutte Feillet, Blanche
[Pastores de Kanbo (Lapurdi)]1852[Shepherds from Cambo (Lapurdi)]Feillet, Helene
[Pescadores]1852[Fishermen]Feillet, Helene
[Plaza de la Constitución y el viejo ayuntamiento]1852[Plaza de la Constitución and the old town hall]Hennebutte Feillet, Blanche
[Señoras a caballo por las cercanías de Kanbo (Lapurdi)]1852[Women on horseback in the area around Cambo (Lapurdi)]Feillet, Helene
[Señoras conversando con un cura junto a dos aguadoras]1852[Women chatting with a priest next to two water carriers]-
[Sokoa]1852[Socoa]Hennebutte Feillet, Blanche