Browsing by Editorial Printed by Lemercier Benard and Cº, [London]
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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Castillo y villa de Oiartzun en España1843Ourgunzun castle and town in SpainChatterton, Lady - Lascelles, Henrietta Georgiana Maria
Hernani : y el fuerte de Santa Bárbara (España)1843Hernani : and the fortress of Santa Barbara (Spain)Chatterton, Lady - Lascelles, Henrietta Georgiana Maria
Municipios de Fuenterrabía y Hendaya en el rio Bidasoa, los1843Towns of Fontarabia and Hendaye on the river Bidassoa, theChatterton, Lady - Lascelles, Henrietta Georgiana Maria