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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Bera1824VeraLocker, Edward Hawke
Cohaya en el Bidasoa1824Cohaya on the BidasoaLocker, Edward Hawke
Convento de la Confesión. Tafalla1824Convent of the Confession. TafallaLocker, Edward Hawke
Hondarribia1824FuenterrabiaLocker, Edward Hawke
Irun1824IrunLocker, Edward Hawke
Noain1823NoainLocker, Edward Hawke
Pamplona1824PamplonaLocker, Edward Hawke
Sunbilla1824SunbillaLocker, Edward Hawke
Tudela1823TudelaLocker, Edward Hawke
Villabona1824VillabonaLocker, Edward Hawke
Zumalacárregui1836ZumalacarreguiHenningsen, C.F.