Collection's documents (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 3772
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
 | 1874 | 1st May: as the Bilbao road was cut, the artillery passes along a road built in two hours | Ferdinandus, A. |
 | 1845 | 1st siege of Bilbao | Sainz, Fran[cis]co |
 | 1890 | 25th of March 1874: Somorrostro bridge at eight in the morning | Urgelles, L. |
 | 1874 | Spain: Carlist War : episodes in the fighting on the 25th, 26th & 27th March: 25th March: camp with the 2 Plasencia batteries (mountain artillery, 1st regiment) on the Sommorostro road | Ferdinandus, A. |
 | 1890 | 26th of March 1874: wounded convoy crossing a pass on Las Cortes mountain | Urgelles, L. |
 | 1890 | 27th of March 1874: ambulance for the wounded in the San Lorenzo chapel | Urgelles, L. |
 | 1890 | 27nd of March 1874: attack by liberal troops on Murrieta and the church of San Pedro Abanto | Urgelles, L. |
 | 1890 | 27th of March 1874: General Primo de Rivera, wounded, is taken to Somorrostro | Urgelles, L. |
 | 1874 | 28th April: view of the Somorostro valley at 7 in the evening; capture of the Galdamés mines railway line | - |
 | 1890 | 28th of March 1874: burial of the corpses after the battles of Somorrostro | Urgelles, L. |
 | 1874 | To Bilbao! | Pellicer Montseny, José Luis |
 | 183 | A french Gun boat | Hornbrook, Richard Lyde |
 | 1820 | At Mondragon, Burgos road | Bacler d'Albe, Louis Albert Ghislain |
 | 1874 | Despite being abandoned by his own side,.'El Tersó (the smooth one) remained glued to his position, during the final battles | - |
 | 1875 | Despite the resistance that the Carlists put up, the village was to be taken | Ecosse, A. |
 | 1873 | You cañt catch me!! Ím not going to look for you then!! | - |
 | 1876 | Abadiano, occupied by the Ciria Brigade on the 5th of this month | Becerro, Ricardo |
 | 186 | Abando: French consulate | Petit de Meurville, Didier |
 | 186 | Abando, Bilbao | Petit de Meurville, Didier |
 | 1845 | Bergara Embrace | - |
Collection's documents (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 3772