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dc.contributorBatty - Captain-
dc.coverage.spatialPasaia - Gipuzkoa-
dc.descriptionManchas en el borde superior izquierdo. Autor del libro : Captain Batty. "The coast from Passages to the mouth of the Bidasoa is formed by the steep rocky side of the mountain of Jaysquibel, terminating in a rocky promontory, called the Point of Figueras" (La costa desde Pasajes a la boca del Bidasoa está formada por el lado rocoso del monte Jaizkibel, terminando en un promontorio llamado Higuer)es
dc.descriptionGoiko ezkerreko ertzean orbanak. Liburuaren egilea : Batty kapitaina. "The coast from Passages to the mouth of the Bidasoa is formed by the steep rocky side of the mountain of Jaysquibel, terminating in a rocky promontory, called the Point of Figueras" (Pasaiatik Bidasoaren ahorainoko kostaldea Jaizkibel mendiaren haitz aldeaz dago osatuta, eta Higer izeneko lurmuturraz amaitzen da)eu
dc.descriptionStains on the top left-hand edge. Author of the book: Captain Batty. "The coast from Passages to the mouth of the Bidasoa is formed by the steep rocky side of the mountain of Jaysquibel, terminating in a rocky promontory, called the Point of Figueras"en
dc.descriptionTaches sur le bord supérieur gauche. Auteur du livre : Captain Batty. "The coast from Passages to the mouth of the Bidasoa is formed by the steep rocky side of the mountain of Jaysquibel, terminating in a rocky promontory, called the Point of Figueras" (La côte de Pasajes à l¿embouchure de la Bidassoa est formée par la face rocheuse escarpée du mont Jaizkibel, qui finit en promontoire, appelé Cap du Figuier)fr
dc.format.extent1 grabado de 11 x 16 cm en h. de 23 x 30 cmes
dc.format.extentGrabatua, 11 x 16 cm-koa, 23 x 30 cm-ko
dc.format.extent1 11 x 16 cm engraving on a 23 x 30 cm pageen
dc.format.extent1 gravure de 11 x 16 cm en h. de 23 x 30 cmfr
dc.publisherJohn Murray, Londones
dc.publisherJohn Murray, Londoneu
dc.publisherJohn Murray, Londonen
dc.publisherJohn Murray, Londonfr
dc.relation.ispartofCampaign of the left wing of the allied army, in the western Pyrenees and south of France, in the years 1813-14 under Field-Marshal the Marquess of Wellington-
dc.sourceKoldo Mitxelena Kulturuneaes
dc.sourceKoldo Mitxelena Kulturuneaeu
dc.sourceKoldo Mitxelena Kulturuneaen
dc.sourceKoldo Mitxelena Kulturuneafr
dc.subjectComunicaciones-Medios transporte-Embarcaciones-Veleroses
dc.subjectPaisaje natural-Ríases
dc.subjectNatura paisaia-Itsasadarrakeu
dc.subjectCommunications-Means of transport-Vessels-Sailing boatsen
dc.subjectNatural landscape-Estuariesen
dc.subjectCommunications-Moyens de transport-Embarcations-Bateaux à voilefr
dc.subjectPaysage naturel-Riasfr
dc.titleEntrada al puerto de
dc.titlePasaiako portuko sarreraeu
dc.titleEntrance to the Harbour of Passagesen
dc.titleEntrée du port de Passagesfr
dc.typeImage - GRABADOes
dc.typeImage - GRABATUAeu
dc.typeImage - ENGRAVINGen
dc.typeImage - GRAVUREfr
ESE.dataProviderDiputación Foral de Gipuzkoa - Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia-
ESE.providerDiputación Foral de Gipuzkoa - Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia-
izfe.coleccionCarteles, dibujos y grabadoses
izfe.coleccionKartelak, marrazkiak eta grabatuakeu
izfe.coleccionPosters, drawings and printsen
izfe.coleccionAffiches, dessins et estampesfr
Appears in Collections:Prints XIX century album

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