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dc.coverage.spatialVitoria-Gasteiz - Araba-
dc.descriptionAutor del libro : By Alexander Somerville. Impresor del libro : Published by James Pattie, London. Borde superior izquierdo : nº12. Indica la página donde narra lo sucedido (p. 196). "While they were engaged in collecting their spoil, she mounted into the saddle, an starting at a gallop..." (Mientras ellos se ocupaban de recoger el botín,ella montó e inició un galope...)es
dc.descriptionLiburuaren egilea : Alexander Somerville. Liburuaren inprimatzailea : James Pattiek argitaratua, Londres. Goiko ezkerreko ertza : 12. zk. Gertatua kontatzen duen orrialdea adierazten du (196. or.). "While they were engaged in collecting their spoil, she mounted into the saddle, an starting at a gallop..." (Gizonezkoak harrapakina biltzen ari ziren bitartean, emakumea zaldi gainera igo eta lauhazka hasi zen...)eu
dc.descriptionAuthor of the book: By Alexander Somerville. Published by James Pattie, London. Top left-hand edge: nº12. It shows the page where it tells the story of what happened (p. 196). "While they were engaged in collecting their spoil, she mounted into the saddle, and starting at a gallop..."en
dc.descriptionAuteur du livre : By Alexander Somerville. Imprimeur du livre : Published by James Pattie, London. Bord supérieur gauche : nº12. Indique la page où il narre l¿évènement proprement dit (p. 196). "While they were engaged in collecting their spoil, she mounted into the saddle, an starting at a gallop..." (Tandis qu¿ils étaient occupés à réunir leur butin, elle enfourcha sa monture et partit au galop...)fr
dc.format.extent1 grabado de 11 x 15 cm en h. de 13 x 21 cmes
dc.format.extentGrabatua, 11 x 15 cm-koa, 13 x 21 cm-ko
dc.format.extent1 11 x 15 cm engraving on a 13 x 21 cm pageen
dc.format.extent1 gravure de 11 x 15 cm en h. de 13 x 21 cmfr
dc.relation.ispartofHistory of the British Legion and war in Spain, from personal observations and other authentic sources, containing a correct []ail of the events of the expedition under General Evans [...] with numerous anecdotes of individuals etc., etc., etc.-
dc.sourceMuseo Zumalakarregi Museoaes
dc.sourceMuseo Zumalakarregi Museoaeu
dc.sourceMuseo Zumalakarregi Museoaen
dc.sourceMuseo Zumalakarregi Museoafr
dc.subjectHistoria-Guerras-Guerra Carlista I (1833-1840)es
dc.subjectHistoria-Gerrak-I. Karlistaldia (1833-1840)eu
dc.subjectHistory-Wars-1st Carlist War (1833-1840)en
dc.subjectHistoire-Guerres-Première Guerre carliste (1833-1840)fr
dc.titleHuida del Sr. Millar de los carlistas, laes
dc.titleMrs. Millar karlistengandik ihes egiteaeu
dc.titleEscape of Mrs. Millar from the carlists, theen
dc.titleFuite de Mrs. Millar qui échappe aux carlistes, lafr
dc.typeImage - GRABADOes
dc.typeImage - GRABATUAeu
dc.typeImage - ENGRAVINGen
dc.typeImage - GRAVUREfr
ESE.dataProviderDiputación Foral de Gipuzkoa - Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia-
ESE.providerDiputación Foral de Gipuzkoa - Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia-
izfe.coleccionCarteles, dibujos y grabadoses
izfe.coleccionKartelak, marrazkiak eta grabatuakeu
izfe.coleccionPosters, drawings and printsen
izfe.coleccionAffiches, dessins et estampesfr
Appears in Collections:Prints XIX century album

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