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Title: [Young girls dancing during fighting between Carlists and liberals in Estella]
Publisher: Imprenta de Fidel Giro, Barcelona
Description: September 1891 edition. It illustrates the article "La ciudad santa del carlismo" by M.L. During the battle of Estella "at the foot of the fort, our [Carlist] military bands were sarcastically playing Riego¿s hymn, the ¿Trágala¿ and other revolutionary ballads..., the village girls were dancing the Jota in the square, and the couples fought over the empty spaces opened up by the firing from the fort"
Physical description: 1 5 x 7 cm engraving on a 31 x 21 cm page
Issue Date: 1891
Publication: Museo Zumalakarregi Museoa
Appears in Collections:Prints XIX century album

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